Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Monotype printmaking

The idea behind this final print was to visualize it as objects you would find in the beach. My ideas was to arrange all the pieces, such as shells, and scatter them differently. It demostrates a sense of visual movement in the composition. That was actually what I was trying to convey in this piece of art. This print is clearly shown and demostrates what I tried to do. It was my first time doing this kind of art and i thought it was a great experience because i actually like how it came out at the end. At first it was difficult for me because i didn't know that you had to put the paper under the obects to get all the texture in, but it was great to learn something new. If I were to do it again I think I would just leave it like that, but probably I would try to rearrange the other objects more differently.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A bridge from here to there Project

I spend one hour when it's a studio day.

When i look at art the first thing i look is at the compostion and the colors.

My goal for my art career is to display my art work in art competions.